Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!
Black Hat | Def Con 2024
Are you attending Black Hat? Meet the Cobalt team and Core at booth #2913!

Doing More With Less - How to Secure Your Assets With Fewer Resources

In The State of Pentesting 2023 Report, we studied data from over 3,100 pentests and over 1,000 responses from security practitioners globally.

Watch on-demand to hear as Caroline Wong, Chief Strategy Officer at Cobalt leads the conversation with Gisela Hinojosa, Senior Security Consultant at Cobalt and Goonjeta Malhotra, Security & Lead Cobalt Pentester around the report's findings.

In This Webinar, We Discuss:

  • How to maintain your security posture despite budget cuts or team restructures 
  • How to approach vulnerability management strategically and make the most out of your resources
  • How to extract maximum value from every pentest engagement and get in-depth results

Watch on-demand

The State of Pentesting 2023 Report

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Disruption, transformation, volatility — whichever keyword fits your style, it all points to one fact: change is the constant for security teams. 

With fewer resources and more responsibilities, how do teams plan to protect assets?

Our 5th edition of The State of Pentesting explores this question, and more!

Download the Report To Learn About:

  • Top vulnerabilities, security challenges, and pentesting trends
  • How layoffs and budget cuts impact organizations' security postures
  • What security teams plan to outsource and/or deprioritize to better manage growing workloads
  • Insights from pentesters on how to prepare your team and environment for a productive and in-depth pentest

Get the report